What is a Playlist?

A "Playlist" is a virtual list of Tracks you can publish as a Public Page and share with any Contact in the CRM to promote or pitch your music for licensing.

Playlists List


Where can find the Playlists List?

To display the Playlists list, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

The Playlists List displays several columns by default, including:

Column NameInstructions
TitleThe Name of the Playlist
ClientThe Client associated with the Playlist
ViewsThe number of Views of the Playlist
StreamsThe number of Streams of the Playlist
DownloadsThe number of Downloads of the Playlist
Creation DateThe Creation Date of the Playlist

You can add or remove additional columns using the optional Custom Columns feature.

Adding a Playlist

To add a Playlist, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

At the top right of the list, click on the orange "New Playlist" button.

A pop-up window will open to enter the necessary data for the new Playlist:

Details Tab

Title (publicly visible) *Enter the Playlist's Title (Mandatory)
ClientSelect the Playlist's Client
Main ArtistsSelect the Playlist's Main Artists
Featured ArtistsSelect the Playlist's Featured Artists
Description (publicly visible)Enter the Playlist's Description
NotesEnter Notes for the Playlist

Tags Tab

Custom TagsEnter Custom Tags for the Playlist

Once filled in, to save the new Playlist, click on the orange "Save" button at the bottom right of the pop-up window. The new Playlist will be opened in a new panel and displayed in the "Playlists" list.

Click the grey "Cancel" button to cancel the action.


We do not provide solutions to add Playlists in bulk.

Editing a Playlist

To edit a Playlist, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Find the Playlist to edit in the list and click on its name. This will open the Playlist panel.

Click on the "Edit" button at the top right of the list. This will open a pop-up window at the right of the Workspace to edit the Playlist metadata.

To save, click the orange "Save" button at the bottom right of the pop-up window.

Click the grey "Cancel" button to cancel the action.


How to add Tracks to the Playlist?

Go to...

Editing Playlists in bulk

To edit Playlists in bulk, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Select one or more Playlists in the list, right-click (or, when hovering over the Playlists, click on the three dots on the right side), and then click on the "Edit" action in the opened contextual menu.

This will open a pop-up window at the right of the Workspace to mass edit the selected Playlists' metadata. Please visit the Mass Edit article to learn more about this feature.

To save, click the orange "Save" button at the bottom right of the pop-up window.

Click the grey "Cancel" button to cancel the action.

Duplicating a Playlist

To duplicate a Playlist, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Find the Playlist to edit in the list and click on its name. This will open the Playlist panel.

Click on the arrow behind the "Edit" button at the top right of the list and select "Duplicate" in the list.

The duplicated Playlist will be displayed in the "Playlists" list.


How to add Tracks to the Playlist?

Go to...

Duplicating Playlists in bulk

To duplicate Playlists in bulk, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Select one or more Playlists in the list, right-click (or, when hovering over the Playlists, click on the three dots on the right side), and then click on the "Duplicate" action in the opened contextual menu.

The duplicated Playlist will be displayed in the "Playlists" list.

Deleting a Playlist

To delete a Playlist, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Music Sharing" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Find the Playlist to edit in the list and click on its name. This will open the Playlist panel.

Click on the arrow icon behind the "Edit" button at the top right of the list and click on "Delete".

This will open a pop-up browser alert at the top of the Workspace.

To stop the action, click the "Cancel" button.

Click on the "OK" button to confirm the deletion.

Deleting Playlists in bulk

To delete Playlists in bulk, go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Catalog Management" icon, browse to the "Contributors" section, and click on the "Playlists" list.

Select one or more Playlists in the list, right-click (or, when hovering over the Playlists, click on the three dots on the right side), and then click on the "Delete" action in the opened contextual menu.

This will open a pop-up browser alert at the top of the Workspace.

To stop the action, click the "Cancel" button.

Click on the "OK" button to confirm the deletion.