Receiving Assets
Receiving Assets with Reprtoir Inbox Step by Step
Follow the process below to send your Assets to a Recipient's Reprtoir Account:
How to receive Assets?
◼ 1. Set up a secure connexion
As the receiving account, you must approve the third-party account authorized to send assets into your account.
You must provide your secret token to the sending account so they can save it to their account, establishing a secure link between your accounts.
To grant this right, go to the Reprtoir Inbox settings, go to the "Authorize a third-party Reprtoir account" section, enter the recipient's email, and then click "Send email".
You can also copy the secret token at the top of the page and share it directly with the recipient.
As soon as the recipient has registered your token in their account, they will have the right to send you their assets.
Secret Token Privacy
Only share your secret token with trusted individuals. If you suspect it has been compromised, generate a new one.
◼ 2. Notifications for sharing of new Assets
When your Account receives new Assets for a Sender's Reprtoir Account, you are informed in two ways:
- A visual notification indicating the number of new Assets available is displayed in the navigation menu at the left of the Workspace.
- Users receive an email.
◼ 3. Accept or reject sharing
Before importing new shared Assets to your Reprtoir Account, you must accept or reject these Assets.
Go to the navigation menu located at the left of the Workspace, click on the "Music Sharing" icon, browse to the "Reprtoir Inbox" section, and click on the "Reprtoir Inbox" list.
Select one or more Assets in the list, right-click (or, when hovering over the Tracks, click on the three dots on the right side), and then click on the "Accept OR Reject" action in the opened contextual menu.
This will open a pop-up window at the right of the Workspace to configure the importation of these new Assets. To learn more about the data received, click here.
Fields | Instructions |
Targeted Account * | |
Send Tags | Choose if you |
To launch sending, click on the orange "Save" button at the bottom right of the pop-up window. Once saved, the Albums are instantly ingested to your Reprtoir Account.
To stop the action, click the grey "Cancel" button.
What data are received?
Assets | Fields |
Albums | Artwork |
Albums | Title |
Albums | Language |
Albums | Subtitle |
Albums | Main Artists |
Albums | UPC |
Albums | GRid |
Albums | Product Type |
Albums | Reference |
Albums | Original Release Date |
Albums | Format |
Albums | Main Genre / Subgenre |
Albums | Alternate Genre / Subgenre |
Albums | Spotify ID |
Albums | Tags (Optional) |
Assets | Fields |
Tracks | Title |
Tracks | Language |
Tracks | Subtitle |
Tracks | Main Artists |
Tracks | Original Title |
Tracks | Original Language |
Tracks | Original Subtitle |
Tracks | ISRC |
Tracks | Position (in an Album) |
Tracks | Volume (in an Album) |
Tracks | Reference |
Tracks | Public Domain |
Tracks | Recording Type |
Tracks | Recording Year |
Tracks | Audio Language |
Tracks | Explicit Lyrics |
Tracks | Main Genre / Subgenre |
Tracks | Alternate Genre / Subgenre |
Tracks | Main Recording Session Country |
Tracks | Recording First Owner Country |
Tracks | Lyrics |
Tracks | Audio File (All Audio Format) |
Tracks | Territories |
Tracks | Spotify ID |
Tracks | Tags (Optional) |
Assets | Fields |
Videos | Thumbnail |
Videos | Title |
Videos | Language |
Videos | Main Artists |
Videos | ISRC |
Videos | Reference |
Videos | Public Domain |
Videos | Explicit Content |
Videos | Production Year |
Videos | Duration |
Videos | Video Language |
Videos | Main Genre / Subgenre |
Videos | Alternate Genre / Subgenre |
Videos | Territories |
Videos | YouTube ID |
Videos | YouTube Asset ID |
Videos | Tags (Optional) |
Assets | Fields |
Works | Title |
Works | Language |
Works | ISWC |
Works | Reference |
Works | Creation Year |
Works | Duration |
Works | Recorded Indicator (for CWR) |
Works | Distribution Category (for CWR) |
Works | Version type (for CWR) |
Works | Lyrics |
Works | Authors |
Works | Composers |
Works | Arrangers |
Works | Original Publishers |
Works | Co-Publishers |
Works | Right Splits (Ownership Shares) |
Works | Tags (Optional) |
Updated 6 months ago