Account Information
The "Account Information" settings page allows users to manage and edit ...
Where are the Account Information settings?
Navigate to the left menu in the Workspace. Select your profile picture at the bottom. Click on "Settings". This will open a new tab. Under the "Parameters" section, select "Account Information".
All team members will then have the same view.
Enter the name of the Account that displays in the Workspace.
Select a language in the list to determine how numbers and dates are displayed in the Workspace. The grey box preview below shows how Numbers and Dates will be displayed.
Hour Format
Select how the hours are displayed in the Workspace: 24-hour or 12-hour (AM/PM).
Time Zone
Select the time zone for your Company.
Good to know
Please keep in mind that all exported file are in universal format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Updated about 2 years ago