Supported Data Columns
Supported Data Columns for Incomes
Below is the complete list of columns (some columns may not be available with some Royalty Providers).
Sale Date | The Sale Date is the Period (usually indicated in months) during which the Retailer made the Sale. |
Reporting Date | The Reporting Date is the Period (usually indicated in months) when the Statement was produced by the Statement Provider. |
Retailer | The Retailer (also known as Store or Platform) is the Company that sells the Product to the Customer. |
Country | The Country (also known as Territory) is where the Customer that bought the Product resides. |
ISRC | The ISRC code is the Track identifier that the Retailer has registered for the Transactions. |
Track Title | The Retailer displays the Track Title to the Customer (Possibly not the same as in Audio Manager). |
Track Artist | The Track Artist Names as displayed by the Retailer to the Customer (Possibly not the same as in Audio Manager). |
UPC code | The UPC code is the Album identifier that the Retailer has registered for the Transactions. |
GRid code | The GRid code is the Album identifier that the Retailer has registered for the Transactions. |
Album Title | The Album Title as displayed by the Retailer to the Customer (Possibly not the same as in Audio Manager). |
Album Artist | The Album Artist Names as displayed by the Retailer to the Customer (Possibly not the same as in Audio Manager). |
Sale Type | The Sale Type is used to determine the nature of the Sale (such as Stream or Download), which helps categorize it. |
Sale Subtype | The Sale Subtype is used to add more details on the nature of the Sale indicated in the Sale Type column. |
Quantity | The Quantity (also known as Units) is the total number of Transactions identified for the Sale. |
Gross Amount | The Gross Amount is the total amount your Organization generated (before partner commission) |
Net Amount | The Net Amount is the total amount your Organization collected for the Transactions (before taxes). |
Publishing Fees | The Publishing Fees are the amount your Organization paid to obtain the Mechanical Licenses from Composers/Writers/Publishers that give your Organization the right to sell their Musical Works in the US. |
Updated about 2 years ago